Copyright © 1998-2022 Michael P. Murray & Mike's Clock Clinic Mike's Clock Clinic Membership: NAWCC P. O. Box 562 1151 D Street Fossil, OR 97830-0562 E-mail address: (Preferred method of contact)
My Web site is located at Main FTP site is located at Information on the Anniversary (400-day) Clock No longer teaching and have no alternatives.
I still work on the 400-day/Anniversary clock and that link is 400-day/Anniversary clock Have a look at my article on repairing the 400-day and Detail
Purchasing the Course ONLY
Introduction and Detail You can view an outline of this course. I make my living overhauling the Atmos and 400-day or Anniversary clocks from all over North America and Europe and I'm an actual Atmos overhaul Instructor. Many students travel to my shop in Myrtle Point and take the course one on one. As a matter of fact most times my course is taught to an individual rather than a group. I will travel to anyplace within 1,250 miles of my Clinic because I dislike plane travel. I will instruct any person or group of up to 20 students in the complexities and my overhaul techniques in servicing the Anniversary clock. Students must be fluent in the English language. I require that all my travel, lodging expenses and my $500.00 Instructor's fee per day, must be pre-paid by the students. The Instructor's fee for the 2-day course is $1,000.00 because the "course" takes 2 days of at least 10 hours per day including breaks and lunches. If you'd like to include the Atmos Overhaul Repair Course then please add 2 or 3 days based on the extent of the Atmos calibers you'd like covered. Please see: Atmos Instructor's Page for more details. All course material is copyrighted. All course material will be given to the individual students at the time they take the course and not before. All courses are strictly a movement overhaul course and any case, dial, or hand restoration will NOT be covered. All parts must be paid for by the students whether or not they are supplied by myself or purchased before the course. All fundamentals in clock repair are covered and it makes the perfect stepping stone to more advanced clock repairing. Every student MUST be adept at the time and strike (T & S) clock and hopefully more clocks in order to take this course. The students must provide their own or a customer's Anniversary clock and it must be a mechanical key wind clock. This clock must be complete because I can't possibly stock every part that the Anniversary clock would need. Suspension springs and their related parts would be the exception because we will make the exact suspension unit needed for the clock that you bring into the class. But please be sure to bring any and all suspension parts that the clock may still have. I'll also have every possible mainspring on hand, so there will not be a need to check the mainspring but please make sure that the barrel teeth are all there as well as the second wheel pivots and teeth. I mention this because an "exploded" mainspring can do lots of damage and, we'll not have the time to address these issues. Please make sure that each and every wheel and pivot are complete because we'll not have the time to cover things like repivoting and teeth replacement. Class Facilities Needed Where ever we meet, there must be a class room like facility, an overhead projector and screen, a blackboard and chalk or a free standing drawing pad and writhing implements, chairs and tables, source for electricity and good lighting. This can be anywhere and even in someone's home. The class facilities must be provided by the students. Tool List that the students must bring to the class. The 10th edition of the Horolovar "400 Day Clock Repair Guide" and please read it prior to coming to the class. 1/100th second, Hand timer An electronic timer that reads BPH to at least two places after the decimal point. I.E. XXX.XX or more. (optional) 2 tweezers (any combination of # 3, # 5, # AA, or # MM) A few "regular" flat blade and Phillips screwdrivers 2 mm flat blade screwdriver (either a # 7 or # 8 and bring several) 4.5 mm flat blade screwdriver (either a # 4 or # 5 and bring several) 6 mm flat blade screwdriver (either a # 2 or # 3 and bring several) 5 sided cutting broach and smooth broaches 6' extension cord and one electric strip with at least a 4 plugs 4/0000 emery paper 3/0000 synthetic steel wool or ultra fine sanding sponge Assembly clamps Avery labels or any like product Beat amplifier (if no electronic timer) Bench lamp Brass hammer Crow's foot High heat source such as a butane or propane torch Magnifying headset or loupe Mainspring winder for hole end mainsprings Micrometer which must read or interpolate to 4 decimal places Pegwood Pithwood Portable bench riser of at least 8" x 12" x 6" high Portable bench vise Regular and needle-nosed pliers and bring several Set of files of at least 5 and a bastard file Set of let down keys or a slotted let down handle Small pair of scissors Small smooth jaw parallel pliers and bring several Surgeon-type or cloth gloves Svelte or Shammy cloth Toothpicks Any of your own bench hand tools Any Anniversary specific parts that you may have accumulated Any Anniversary specific tools that you may have accumulated If the course is three or under then we can share all my tools but try to bring as much of the above as possible. Return to Index
Purchasing the Course Material ONLY Your opportunity to purchase the course does NOT preclude the need for purchaser (student) to be a somewhat competent horologist. This means that in order to quality for the 30 days of E-mail help from me you must have the necessary skills in order to work on the 400-day. In other words, if you are a complete novice and purchase the course, then you will be on your own. As soon as I determine that you do not have the experience to work on the 400-day, then all E-mail help will stop and there is no chance what-so-ever for any type of refund on the $500.00 paid. In light of the above paragraph, I'm going to repeat the "student requirements" again. A novice can still purchase the course but don't expect any help from yours truly. Required Student Skills Each student MUST have the necessary skills prior to taking this course. All fundamentals in clock repair are covered and it makes the perfect stepping stone to more advanced clock repairing. Every student MUST be adept at the time and strike (T & S) clock and hopefully more clocks in order to purchase this course. Costs and Potential E-mail Help If you want to purchase the course material only, then the cost is $500.00 including shipping via electronic delivery (E-mail as attachments). You would get both the standard 2-day 400-day course and all the supplemental documents. I'll be available to help with any problems you may encounter for only 30 days (more on that in the next paragraph) and the material is copyrighted and only for your personal use. I take no responsibility or liability for anything positive or negative that may occur once you purchase the course. PLEASE be aware that many techniques that are in the course materials are stated as "to be demonstrated" and that will NOT occur if you purchase the course. I will make myself available for 30 days after the course is E-mailed to you. During that time I will answer all E-mails pertaining to your taking the course. I'll try an answer all your questions and guide you through the techniques BUT realize that my patience does and will have limits and if I determine that we are just practicing an exercise in futility, then E-mail help will terminate and all help will terminate. DO NOT phone me because that kind of help will NOT be provided. Once the 30 day period is over you will be completely on your own. All sales of the E-mailed course are final with no possibility of a refund under any circumstances. Before you purchase the course, I STRONGLY suggest you purchase the 10th edition of the "400-day Clock Repair Guide" from TimeSavers or Mile Hi. These is actually a requirement because I constantly reference this Guide all throughout the course. TimeSavers 400-day supplies. The part # is 15004. The part # is 62.230. I would like payment by money order, certified check, personal check, business check, or through Pay Pal or Square, which is the only way I take credit cards. I do prefer a check because Pay Pal and Square take 3%. I only take credit cards if you are in the USA or Canada. The 3% is added to the total bill if you use a credit card or Pay Pal. With Pay Pal you can pay me directly using "friends and family" where you absorb all fees and I'm paid the full amount. There would be nothing added amount to the final fill if you absorb all fees. Here you log on to Pay Pal and send me the full amount of my bill, so there is no E-voice coming from me with this method and you will be charged all Pay Pal fees on top of my final bill. With either Pay Pal or Square, I will send an invoice to your E-mail address. Here you are dealing directly with either service and not me. With Square, I can also take the credit card information which includes the number, expiration date and the last 3 or 4 #'s of the security code from the back of the card BUT that adds 3.5% to the final bill. I'd prefer to avoid this method but it is an option. All sales outside North America will be charged 4% on top of the total through Pay Pal only. All of the added fees are exactly what either service charges me for taking your credit card. Return to Index Respectfully, Michael P. Murray A service from, E-mail address Mike Murray Founder of Clocksmiths A specialist in Atmos and 400-day clock repair. Also, I overhaul most plug in electric clocks and motors. In continuous service since 04/01/1982. Mike's Clock Clinic Memberships: Clocksmiths & NAWCC P. O. Box 562 1151 D Street Fossil, OR 97830-0560 E-mail address: (Preferred method of contact)
My Web site is located at Main FTP site is located at Memberships: Clocksmiths & NAWCC N.A.W.C.C. International 400-day Clock Chapter # 168 Formally published in Chapter 168's "Torsion Times" Formally published in AWCI's "Horological Times" Formally AWCI's 400-day (Anniversary) clock Bench Course Instructor!